Welcome to Leaping Literacy Library ETV!
Dinosaur Stomp
Turkey Talk!

About Small
Adaptation Celebration
Apples & Grands
Apples & Ancients
Apples & Seeds
Autumn & Acorns
Bat Chat
Birthday Cake
Bug Hugs
Christmastime Shine
Christmas Trees
Christmas Reindeer Santa
Circle Of Creation
Circle Of Life w/Grands
Circle Of Time w/Two
Circle Of Time
Crawl Small
Dinosaur Roar
Dinosaur Stomp
Dinosaur Yes Roar More!

Full Screen

Dreamtime Skin Deep
Earth Celebration
Earth Celebration Shorter
Earth Celebration 1st
Easter Celebration
Find Valentines
Flags Flying
Flower Power 1st
Flower Pollination
Flower Pollination Shorter
Halloween Scream
Happy Hearts
Insect Respect
Kokopelli 1st
Mama Celebration
Menu Food To Choose
Mother Transformations
Peaceful Roar

Full Screen

Pick A Pet Pick A Pet Shorter
Planting Seeds
Pollination Celebration
Rabbit Show

Rainbow Show
Reaching Rainbows 1st Reading Reindeer
Sea Splash Fish Swish
Fish Swish Shorter
SeaSplash Jellyfish Swish
Jellyfish Swish Shorter
SeaSplash River Delivers
River Delivers Shorter
SeaSplash Scoop Sand
Scoop Sand Shorter
SeaSplash Wondrous Octo
Wondrous Octopus Shorter
SeaSplash WondrousWhale
Wondrous Whale A bit shorter!
Sea Splash Undersea
Undersea Splash A bit shorter!

Full Screen

Seeds Of Creativity Seeds Of Love
Singing Spring Shorter
Singing Spring
Sleepy Time Awake

Special Spider Show
The Gifts Of Trees

Those Clothes
Tree Celebration 1

Tree Celebration 2
Turkey Talk

Why Fly
Why Fly Light

Yum Book Banquet
Zebra Zap

Full Screen

Leaping Literacy Library ETV